Your notes are the foundation of your studying and your GRADES! Here are some useful ways to take great notes, & stay organized!

1. Go to class! This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, so pleaseeeee go & be on time.

2. Find a good seat. If your anxiety prone like I am, you'll most likely want to sit in the back of a class where you're secluded, but trust me, dont! Try to sit as close to the teacher/board as possible! You'll be able to hear better, see better, and you'll be surrounded by students with the same objectives.

3. Pay attention! Put up your phone! No texting, no candy crush, no instagram, no tweeting, no pinterest, no facebook, no ANYTHING. They'll only distract you from valuable information.
--Also, make sure you're able to pay attention. Going to class sleepy is almost as bad as not even going. Bring some snacks high in protein, high in caffeine, whatever you know works to keep yourself awake.

4. Normally, your professor will be going through notes at a quick pace, so if you miss something, raise your hand and ask! There's nothing embarrassing about it, and 9/10 times another student needed the same thing explained too.

5. It has been proven that hand writing notes helps you to remember the information better than typing them, so if possible hand write them!

6. Writing notes in class will always be messy. So when you get home, take out your notebook and type your notes on your computer so you will have a clean and better set of notes (this is also a good way to review your notes :))
--when saving your notes, make sure to also include the date on the header of the page. This way you can reference notes from any specific day, and it will help keep your notes organized in chronological order

7. Print out your notes and store them in a binder specific for that class. I find it easier to study with a piece of paper in my hand than having to review over a computer
--tab your notes in your binder according to chapters/sections/ tests, or whatever catagory fits. 
--highlight important key words, quotes, and things your professor specifies will be on the test!
--You can always go back and add little notes in the margins of these pages as well. Do so with a color pen, so they will pop at you!

8. Missed notes? You have several options! A) E-mail your professor and 9/10 times they will gladly go over the missed material with you. B) E-mail the other students in your class and graciously asks for the missed notes. To get better and more responses, offer to trade them the notes you need, with a set of notes they are missing or will miss! That's my best go-to plan (; C) sign up for NoteSwap and ta-daaa you are now hooked up to hundreds of notes personalized by the class, and teacher!

Ta-Da! A sure fire way to take great notes!

A little something special** Cuteeee online templates for notebooks and binders! A little something to jazz up your school supplies:


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    August 2013

