Studying is pertinent pertinent pertinent. There is no getting around this in college. No more cramming in everything 30 mins before class (I found that out the hard way multiple times)!

1. Dress in something comfortable. There is an old saying "Dress for Success". That doesn't mean that you need to get dressed in your sunday best to study well! But you dont need to be in pajamas, or an old ratty t-shirt. Try some jeans, sweats, and a comfortable shirt/jacket.

2. Grab a healthy study snack! You can read more about these kinds of foods under the "Health" tab.

3. Find a quiet study spot where you wont be disturbed. Again, I don't suggest you study in bed (a mistake I made last year as well). I know its comfy, but taking studying seriously is hard to do in a bed. Pick a kitchen table, a desk, or better yet, a library! 

4. Make sure you have all your necessary materials with you such as: your hand written notes, binder notes, laptop, pencils/pens, highlighters, stick- notes, note cards, and anything else you think you might need.

5. Now it's time to hunker down! Like I mentioned in the "Taking Notes" tab, turn off all distractions! Can't physically make yourself do that? There are programs for that(ironic, I know)! Cold Turkey is an online program in which you can block any social media sites for up to 8 hours. There are also other similar applications, you just have to search from them :)